Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Two Things...

1) Effing MARTA sucks at life sometimes, there's just so much frustration when you leave your house on time, get to the train on time, and get on the train just for it to stop moving a little while later. Usually I'm all for MARTA, I love riding to work in the morning, I get so much done and it's so much faster! However, when it makes me late to work I get very frustrated, there's nothing you can do at that point, you aren't at your car, you can't just hop off and go a different way...and the Chairman doesn't know you're late because of MARTA, he just knows you're late. (PS I do know MARTA can't actually suck at life since it's not a living breathing thing)

2) I absolutely love my new morning drink! I've been drinking these XS drinks, they're 8 Calories, and they taste REALLY good, plus they're energy drinks. But the energy comes from Vitamin B instead of Sugar so you don't crash and burn later...Delicious Root Beer today, and it really tastes like root beer!!!!

Well maybe three things...

3) I've decided recently that I'm determined to like Sushi, and Coffee. I like latte's but I'm becoming determined to like the real stuff. And as far a sushi goes as soon as I can open my mouth wide enough I'm going to need to inundate myself in sushi until I find something I like...who's eating with me? It's very much the whole cook every type of egg until you figure out which one you like, only with sushi instead.

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