Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's been too long!

So it's been almost 2 weeks now since I've written anything. I thought for sure my life was interesting enough to write a blog...apparently I was wrong :-( or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough!

What's happened in the past 2 weeks?

Well, three weeks ago I was finally told I could eat Pasta, and Chicken and basically any soft foods, which you all know. This is the greatest excitement since the surgery and I've been having a ball eating pretty much ever since. With this new food ability I've also been able to drink again, there is nothing better to me than a glass of wine with dinner after a long day! So Yay! I get that back! I also went out for the first time in a month and a half two weeks ago, nothing exciting, just some Dunwoody Tavern Action followed by Cocktail Cove...which let me tell you, the name may have changed but it's still American Pie, the decorations and every thing are the same right down to the gross 50 year old men leering at you from the corner. (ugh! not my fav spot). It was nice to be out but I still didn't feel like I looked normal enough for buckhead or midtown.

Fathers day was AWESOME! My sister came to church and it was so cool to finally get her to see what my Dad and I are so Excited about each week! Then we went to the High Museum, Had lunch and walked around in the old days for a while seeing the Louvre Exhibit. It was super cool too because it was Target Family fun day. So Target was taking care of all admission and we got to have ice cream outside once we were done. It was such a great day with my dad and I know nothing made him happier than having both his girls at church with him!

Lets see, then there was Friday, Christina and I went out to finally celebrate her Birthday, She wanted me to be able to eat dinner before I bought her dinner...wise Idea I do believe. We were all set to go when we heard the first restaurant we picked was like eating in the middle of a club, you had to yell to talk to each other, so I picked out another, and then we couldn't find the darn place. I was pretty disappointed because I'd been to it's sister restaurant in Dunwoody and loved it. So we finally settled on Twist, Shout's sister. It was good, but Shout is better when it comes to sushi for sure. Then Cafe Intermezzo for dessert was awesome, again I had been to the dunwoody location but not midtown, Midtown has a great outdoor area!

I have to say though, I never felt like such a suburb girl as I did last weekend! I got lost on the way to dinner friday night, then Saturday I get lost twice trying to find my co-worker's house! I'm usually so good with directions I don't know what happened...except that google sucks! Map quest is worse though so what are you going to do?

Saturday night was spent at a cook-out with my Dad, Sister, and Friends. Well I had a lovely time and tasted some homemade wine that I'm now dying to go make! Can't wait! Sunday was spent at church, and then the trouble started... dun dun dun!

I spent Sunday afternoon in bed with an upset stomach followed by Monday with a headache all day, and then Tuesday I started the day throwing up and spent the whole day queezy and just in a yuck! By last night I was really nervous! I'm in Cameron's Wedding on Saturday and I can't spend the weekend weak and looking yellow!!! Luckily though I woke up today feeling great and refreshed and am raring to go, now if I could just find the time today to clean my apartment, pack, and go to small group...

Tomorrow should be interesting too! My Head Honcho Boss (the Chairman of the Company) will be in my apartment along with some other co-workers and the "talent" or as normal people call it, the paid actor, to shoot a commercial. It's all still in the idea stages, who knows if it will make it to TV or not, but it's exciting and also, OH MY GOSH! My Chairman will be walking around my little humble apartment... I gotta start scrubbing!!!!

Well that's all for now, I'll try to be more diligent so I don't write a novel every time!

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