Monday, June 9, 2008

I Ate Food!

Hello Blogging world!

I realize that I started this fun blog and then promptly forgot about it. I apologize, I'm sorry but my life has been a little hectic lately.

That being said we can get on to the more exciting things at hand. I went to a lovely wedding this weekend, one of my best friends from High school got married. She looked GORGEOUS and absolutely happy. I am so incredibly happy for her! I must admit though, I haven't seen her in so long (she moved to Florida a few years ago and I left right after high school not to see much of her again) I found myself looking at this grown woman in front of me and seeing the young carefree teenager who used to steal all my cigarettes because she said if she never bought a pack then she was never really a smoker. (I've quit sense then...quit your judging!) I feel I missed a lot of the in-between in there somewhere which makes me a little sad, but really such is life, people grow up, move away and inevitably you're going to loose touch with some of them. Well anyway what I'm trying to say is that it was her big day, she looked amazing and you could tell she was truly happy which is really what's most important.

Now the big news for me in all this (wow, that sounded selfish...what I mean is that during her wonderful amazing event that I would never try to take away from, I also accomplished a milestone) I ate wedding cake! granted I had to first mush it with my fork and the very carefully place it into my mouth where I would mush it some more on the roof of my mouth before swallowing. but I ATE IT! It wasn't liquid and I ate it!

I first tried to mush a baby quiche (can you tell I was hungry?) with a fork but it was a little awkward trying to swallow that, but I was determined with the cake! :-)

Then we went to the lake Sunday and stopped at O'charley's on the way home where I ate not only soup but Bread and Key lime Pie as well! Yes, I know that bread and cake might as well be liquid since they'll eventually dissolve in your mouth and that key lime pie might as well be yogurt which is basically a liquid. However, up until Saturday afternoon I had not eaten anything that could not basically just fall from my mouth down my throat with very little effort since April 28th. That's basically six weeks of milkshakes and smoothies.

So if you can't tell, I'm a little excited!

Now if I could just get my cheeks to both be the same size that would be great! (One is much more swollen than the other because my jaw was widened on that side)

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