Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Who Signs Off on That Crap?!?!

Matt and I were watching LOST last night, and in our impatience to know what happened we didn’t wait long enough to fast forward through all the commercials. So about half way through we start to have to suffer the pain of the mass amount of commercial breaks that a popular show on TV has…

Now, I don’t see a whole lot of commercials since my TV watching consist of nothing but DVR (the glorious thing!). So when I saw the newest (or it could be dreadfully old, but I’ve never seen it) commercial for 1-800 Contacts, all I could think was, “Seriously? Who signs off on this crap??”

It’s an overly dramatic, highly cheesy scene of “Honey, I got your contacts,” “WHAAAAT, they don’t have my brand I have special eyes.” With ominous music, tears, and gasps included….blech

Now, I don’t know if maybe I’m the only one that thinks about this, but I’ve worked in an ad firm, so I know the type of people who make these commercials, and I have to say, they’re way too smart/artistic for that! I mean this is comedy not even a child would find funny. Furthermore, the people who ad firms usually present to are higher up executives and a team of professional, suite wearing, people… so it brings me again to, “Who signs off on this crap??”

Anywho…random rant for the day, done.

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