Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Who Signs Off on That Crap?!?!

Matt and I were watching LOST last night, and in our impatience to know what happened we didn’t wait long enough to fast forward through all the commercials. So about half way through we start to have to suffer the pain of the mass amount of commercial breaks that a popular show on TV has…

Now, I don’t see a whole lot of commercials since my TV watching consist of nothing but DVR (the glorious thing!). So when I saw the newest (or it could be dreadfully old, but I’ve never seen it) commercial for 1-800 Contacts, all I could think was, “Seriously? Who signs off on this crap??”

It’s an overly dramatic, highly cheesy scene of “Honey, I got your contacts,” “WHAAAAT, they don’t have my brand I have special eyes.” With ominous music, tears, and gasps included….blech

Now, I don’t know if maybe I’m the only one that thinks about this, but I’ve worked in an ad firm, so I know the type of people who make these commercials, and I have to say, they’re way too smart/artistic for that! I mean this is comedy not even a child would find funny. Furthermore, the people who ad firms usually present to are higher up executives and a team of professional, suite wearing, people… so it brings me again to, “Who signs off on this crap??”

Anywho…random rant for the day, done.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Random Thoughts from a Blogger “Stalker”

So I may not be very good at keeping my own blog up but I do enjoy reading other peoples! I’m always somewhat stalking my random friends to not just read their own blogs, but also see what else they are reading. Sometimes I feel like a bit of a creeper (and I really hope that this is normal) because I find myself reading so much of someone’s blog that I feel like I know them, when in reality, I’ve never met them! It’s like Facebook, but worse because you’re reading much more intimate details of their lives.
I tell myself, “Well if they didn’t want the world to know about it, then they wouldn’t put it on the internet.” However, I also wonder sometimes, do they really think anyone is reading?? I know I have fun on my blog (yes, yes, when I post) but really, I could just be talking to myself! I’m honestly not sure if anyone has read this thing! So, with that in mind, do I post things I’m not really sure I want the public knowing? Not really, but I just imagine running into someone I’ve never met and being like, Oh I know you! You write that “Hungry Meets Healthy” blog that I love so much (and I do, here’s the link: – although I’m not sure everything she writes about is Healthy…) or “Wow! It’s so good to see you again! How are your 3 children I’ve never met and I shouldn’t know exist but I stalk you in blog world! ”
Anywho! That’s my random thoughts for the blog world today, and if anyone is reading…thank you!

--And just because I want to add a picture, everyone enjoy...these are two of Matt and I's favorite pictures from our trip to CA for Christmas

Thursday, March 18, 2010

They grow up too quickly!

How could you not totally fall in love with this sweet face?!?! I spent last Saturday up in Canton playing with my nephew, loving on my niece, and spending some good QT with my family. Matt was off Golfing with my brothers and dad, my Sister-in-love was with the baby at the doctor (which explains my general fogginess this week and the sore throat I woke up with this morning), and I was left to play with this little guy…
As I’m sitting in a spaceship made out of two kitchen chairs, I start to realize it’s been all too long since I let my imagination run wild! We spent the afternoon “Cleaning the Pipes,” (there was apparently a lot of do-do in the pipes) and going on space ship rides to far off places, we moved to the back yard where we starting hiding in trees, playing t-ball, and watching Dillon (my tiny 6 lbs dog) play with the GIANT boxer that lives next door…through the fence, of course (I only wish I had gotten a picture of this!). Dillon and Neil are a lot alike, neither one of them is aware they are only 3 years old, and both of them also think they can take on the world; including giant dogs a million times their size. I sat there and watched both of them run the fence taunting this dog just thinking thank goodness the boxer is enjoying himself!
He’s growing up so fast! It feels like just yesterday I was in the same back yard watching him play with Dillon for the first time:

Sometimes I forget he’s only 3 (it doesn’t help that he looks like he’s 5). I don’t think it will ever change though, when he says “Laura, come play with me” my heart melts into a million pieces and I can’t help but drop whatever I’m doing to go do just that! I love that little man!

Monday, March 15, 2010

I’m Baaaaaack….

Hello blogging world!!! I almost feel like I should start a whole new blog since it’s been over a year since I’ve posted/SO MUCH has changed. However, I think there’s still some fun stuff on this blog and am also just too lazy to come up with a new one…stay tuned as I re-vamp this one!

So why am I starting up again? Well, for starters, I have entirely to many random thoughts in my head that I would like to explore and when I share them with my fiancĂ©, friends, and others they seem to look at me like, “why would anyone care?” Or, “Seriously, Who thinks about these things?!” SO—the internet world gets subjected to it! Besides, who knows if anyone reads this thing anyway right?

I also love to be creative, love to write, and can knock out a heartfelt piece in a matter of moments…so why not? The challenge last time was remembering to post, and coming up with things I thought people would be interested in reading about…my response to this challenge—I don’t really give a rat’s patooty if you care…my blog, I get to say what I want J

So stay tuned as I write about the random thoughts in my head, life happenings, and the general trials and tribulations of being me J